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What do you do? http://www.bergstatt.at/impressum medicament sildalis The problem with establishing who knew what, and when, is that the public-sector machine will close ranks against any attempt to shine a light into its murky world. The recent Francis Report on the deaths at Stafford Hospital is a prime example. This was a whitewash, blaming generalities such as the health service’s “culture”, rather than ministers and their policies. I have worked in government, and know how the information channels work, including those that reach Downing Street, and I find it inconceivable that ministers did not know what was going on. It is, of course, perfectly possible that Andy Burnham and his predecessors were kept in the dark, or actively lied to, but we need a rigorous inquiry to establish that – one covering not just Mid Staffs, but going into the advice ministers received about other hospitals on today’s shameful list.
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