Terraveneta Photo Gallery
Terraveneta Photo Gallery » Hallowen Oct. 28, '06 » Hallowen Oct. 28, '06
Add your comments
06 Nov 01:12 PM
About a year
06 Nov 01:12 PM
06 Nov 01:20 PM
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
06 Nov 01:20 PM
I'm in a band
06 Nov 01:20 PM
06 Nov 01:20 PM
I'm a partner in
06 Nov 01:20 PM
06 Nov 01:27 PM
Could you please repeat that?
06 Nov 01:27 PM
We'll need to take up references
06 Nov 01:27 PM
Not in at the moment
06 Nov 01:34 PM
Which university are you at?
06 Nov 01:34 PM
Withdraw cash
06 Nov 01:34 PM
Nice to meet you
06 Nov 01:42 PM
I'm on work experience
06 Nov 01:42 PM
Where do you study?
06 Nov 01:42 PM
Insert your card
06 Nov 01:50 PM
I've been made redundant
06 Nov 01:50 PM
I'm only getting an answering machine
06 Nov 01:50 PM
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
06 Nov 01:57 PM
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
06 Nov 01:57 PM
How much is a First Class stamp?
06 Nov 01:57 PM
I'd like to cancel this standing order
06 Nov 02:04 PM
How many are there in a book?
06 Nov 02:04 PM
Where do you study?
06 Nov 02:04 PM
i'm fine good work
06 Nov 02:12 PM
The United States
06 Nov 02:12 PM
What do you do for a living?
06 Nov 02:12 PM
06 Nov 02:12 PM
Where do you come from?
06 Nov 02:19 PM
We went to university together
06 Nov 02:19 PM
I'm only getting an answering machine
06 Nov 02:19 PM
I'm not interested in football
06 Nov 02:26 PM
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory
06 Nov 02:26 PM
I love the theatre
06 Nov 02:26 PM
Can I take your number?
06 Nov 02:34 PM
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
06 Nov 02:34 PM
Hello good day
06 Nov 02:34 PM
Could you ask her to call me?
06 Nov 02:41 PM
Do you know the number for ?
06 Nov 02:42 PM
I'll call back later
06 Nov 02:42 PM
I sing in a choir
06 Nov 02:42 PM
06 Nov 02:49 PM
How do you spell that?
06 Nov 02:49 PM
It's OK
06 Nov 02:49 PM
An accountancy practice
06 Nov 02:57 PM
My battery's about to run out
06 Nov 02:57 PM
Not available at the moment
06 Nov 02:57 PM
I'm unemployed
06 Nov 03:05 PM
Best Site good looking
06 Nov 03:05 PM
I'm from England
06 Nov 03:05 PM
Other amount
06 Nov 03:12 PM
Sorry, I ran out of credit
06 Nov 03:12 PM
Looking for a job
06 Nov 03:12 PM
I like watching TV
06 Nov 03:19 PM
What do you do?
06 Nov 03:19 PM
Do you know each other?
06 Nov 03:20 PM
Until August
06 Nov 03:27 PM
Excellent work, Nice Design
06 Nov 03:27 PM
Where did you go to university?
06 Nov 03:27 PM
Your account's overdrawn
01 Nov 02:54 PM
tfVYGV http://pills2sale.com/ viagra cialis buy
06 Nov 08:49 AM
It's OK
06 Nov 08:49 AM
On another call
06 Nov 08:49 AM
Excellent work, Nice Design
06 Nov 08:49 AM
We're at university together
06 Nov 08:49 AM
I've only just arrived
06 Nov 08:55 AM
I've got a very weak signal
06 Nov 08:55 AM
Could I have an application form?
06 Nov 08:55 AM
I'd like to pay this in, please
06 Nov 08:55 AM
I'll put him on
06 Nov 08:55 AM
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
06 Nov 09:01 AM
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
06 Nov 09:01 AM
I'm on a course at the moment
06 Nov 09:01 AM
How many would you like?
06 Nov 09:01 AM
I'd like to tell you about a change of address
06 Nov 09:01 AM
I'm not working at the moment
06 Nov 09:06 AM
Whereabouts are you from?
06 Nov 09:06 AM
I'd like to withdraw $100, please
06 Nov 09:06 AM
It's a bad line
06 Nov 09:06 AM
I'm not sure
06 Nov 09:07 AM
Looking for work
06 Nov 09:12 AM
I support Manchester United
06 Nov 09:12 AM
this post is fantastic
06 Nov 09:12 AM
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
06 Nov 09:12 AM
How do you know each other?
06 Nov 09:12 AM
What line of work are you in?
06 Nov 09:18 AM
Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
06 Nov 09:18 AM
magic story very thanks
06 Nov 09:18 AM
good material thanks
06 Nov 09:18 AM
On another call
06 Nov 09:18 AM
I can't get through at the moment
06 Nov 09:24 AM
I'm a member of a gym
06 Nov 09:24 AM
06 Nov 09:24 AM
About a year
06 Nov 09:24 AM
06 Nov 09:24 AM
Very funny pictures
06 Nov 09:24 AM
What's the exchange rate for euros?
06 Nov 09:24 AM
Stolen credit card
06 Nov 09:29 AM
Another service?
06 Nov 09:29 AM
Why did you come to ?
06 Nov 09:29 AM
Other amount
06 Nov 09:29 AM
Can I call you back?
06 Nov 09:29 AM
Who's calling?
06 Nov 09:32 AM
How much will it cost to send this letter to ?
06 Nov 09:32 AM
I'll call back later
06 Nov 09:32 AM
Good crew it's cool :)
06 Nov 09:35 AM
I'm doing an internship
06 Nov 09:35 AM
There's a three month trial period
06 Nov 09:35 AM
Do you know what extension he's on?
06 Nov 09:35 AM
About a year
06 Nov 09:35 AM
06 Nov 09:35 AM
i'm fine good work
06 Nov 09:39 AM
Insufficient funds
06 Nov 09:39 AM
Special Delivery
06 Nov 09:39 AM
I'm a member of a gym
06 Nov 09:39 AM
06 Nov 09:41 AM
How much does the job pay?
06 Nov 09:41 AM
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
06 Nov 09:41 AM
International directory enquiries
06 Nov 09:41 AM
Are you a student?
06 Nov 09:41 AM
06 Nov 09:41 AM
06 Nov 09:46 AM
A pension scheme
06 Nov 09:46 AM
06 Nov 09:46 AM
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
06 Nov 09:46 AM
US dollars
06 Nov 09:47 AM
I'd like to open an account
06 Nov 09:47 AM
Stolen credit card
06 Nov 09:47 AM
I came here to study
06 Nov 09:47 AM
Just over two years
06 Nov 09:47 AM
Where do you come from?
06 Nov 09:53 AM
I need to charge up my phone
06 Nov 09:53 AM
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
06 Nov 09:53 AM
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
06 Nov 09:53 AM
I'm not sure
06 Nov 09:53 AM
We need someone with qualifications
06 Nov 09:53 AM
I like watching TV
06 Nov 09:53 AM
Directory enquiries
06 Nov 09:53 AM
06 Nov 09:53 AM
I'm doing an internship
06 Nov 09:59 AM
Looking for a job
06 Nov 09:59 AM
Do you play any instruments?
06 Nov 09:59 AM
Children with disabilities
06 Nov 09:59 AM
I want to report a
06 Nov 09:59 AM
06 Nov 09:59 AM
I wanted to live abroad
06 Nov 10:00 AM
I'm happy very good site
06 Nov 10:00 AM
Your cash is being counted
06 Nov 10:00 AM
Would you like a receipt?
06 Nov 10:00 AM
06 Nov 10:05 AM
Do you know the address?
06 Nov 10:05 AM
We used to work together
06 Nov 10:05 AM
I do some voluntary work
06 Nov 10:05 AM
06 Nov 10:05 AM
06 Nov 10:05 AM
Enter your PIN
06 Nov 10:07 AM
The line's engaged
06 Nov 10:07 AM
I'm only getting an answering machine
06 Nov 10:07 AM
I'm interested in
06 Nov 10:10 AM
I'm retired
06 Nov 10:10 AM
Gloomy tales
06 Nov 10:10 AM
I came here to work
06 Nov 10:10 AM
Do you need a work permit?
06 Nov 10:11 AM
06 Nov 10:11 AM
Can I use your phone?
06 Nov 10:14 AM
this is be cool 8)
06 Nov 10:14 AM
I'd like some euros
06 Nov 10:14 AM
I'm not working at the moment
06 Nov 10:16 AM
magic story very thanks
06 Nov 10:16 AM
Looking for a job
06 Nov 10:16 AM
06 Nov 10:16 AM
Thanks funny site
06 Nov 10:16 AM
We've got a joint account
06 Nov 10:16 AM
06 Nov 10:16 AM
I've been cut off
06 Nov 10:21 AM
I'd like to cancel this standing order
06 Nov 10:21 AM
What do you like doing in your spare time?
06 Nov 10:21 AM
How do you do?
06 Nov 10:28 AM
I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage
06 Nov 10:28 AM
The National Gallery
06 Nov 10:28 AM
We'd like to invite you for an interview
06 Nov 10:35 AM
Will I have to work shifts?
06 Nov 10:35 AM
Wonderfull great site
06 Nov 10:35 AM
Hold the line, please
06 Nov 10:41 AM
We need someone with experience
06 Nov 10:41 AM
Good crew it's cool :)
06 Nov 10:41 AM
real beauty page
06 Nov 10:57 AM
We've got a joint account
06 Nov 10:57 AM
I can't get through at the moment
06 Nov 10:57 AM
I wanted to live abroad
06 Nov 11:04 AM
Directory enquiries
06 Nov 11:04 AM
magic story very thanks
06 Nov 11:04 AM
I do some voluntary work
06 Nov 11:04 AM
06 Nov 11:11 AM
I'm doing an internship
06 Nov 11:11 AM
I need to charge up my phone
06 Nov 11:11 AM
Will I be paid weekly or monthly?
06 Nov 11:18 AM
Looking for work
06 Nov 11:18 AM
Not available at the moment
06 Nov 11:18 AM
I'm happy very good site
06 Nov 11:26 AM
Wonderfull great site
06 Nov 11:26 AM
What do you like doing in your spare time?
06 Nov 11:26 AM
How do you do?
06 Nov 11:34 AM
We'd like to offer you the job
06 Nov 11:34 AM
06 Nov 11:34 AM
I've been made redundant
06 Nov 11:42 AM
What's the exchange rate for euros?
06 Nov 11:42 AM
Where's the postbox?
06 Nov 11:43 AM
I love the theatre
06 Nov 11:50 AM
We've got a joint account
06 Nov 11:50 AM
06 Nov 11:50 AM
How many are there in a book?
06 Nov 11:50 AM
I came here to study
06 Nov 11:57 AM
We'd like to invite you for an interview
06 Nov 11:57 AM
A Second Class stamp
06 Nov 11:58 AM
06 Nov 11:58 AM
An accountancy practice
06 Nov 12:05 PM
We went to university together
06 Nov 12:05 PM
perfect design thanks
06 Nov 12:05 PM
What sort of work do you do?
06 Nov 12:13 PM
I came here to study
06 Nov 12:13 PM
I've got a full-time job
06 Nov 12:13 PM
06 Nov 12:13 PM
Free medical insurance
06 Nov 12:20 PM
I can't stand football
06 Nov 12:20 PM
Jonny was here
06 Nov 12:20 PM
I'm sorry, she's
06 Nov 12:28 PM
I've only just arrived
06 Nov 12:28 PM
Best Site good looking
06 Nov 12:28 PM
Get a job
06 Nov 12:28 PM
06 Nov 12:35 PM
Three years
06 Nov 12:35 PM
I'm training to be an engineer
06 Nov 12:35 PM
Who's calling?
06 Nov 12:42 PM
I'm a member of a gym
06 Nov 12:42 PM
06 Nov 12:43 PM
Lost credit card
06 Nov 12:43 PM
What do you do for a living?
06 Nov 12:43 PM
06 Nov 12:50 PM
Thanks funny site
06 Nov 12:50 PM
Remove card
06 Nov 12:50 PM
We work together
12 Dec 03:22 PM
JzS8a2 http://xnxx.in.net/ xnxx videos
13 Dec 01:10 AM
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06 Nov 03:35 PM
Jonny was here
06 Nov 03:35 PM
I'm sorry, I'm not interested
06 Nov 03:35 PM
How do you know each other?
06 Nov 03:42 PM
I'm from England
06 Nov 03:42 PM
Where do you come from?
06 Nov 03:42 PM
This is your employment contract
06 Nov 03:50 PM
We're at university together
06 Nov 03:50 PM
I'll text you later
06 Nov 03:50 PM
Directory enquiries
06 Nov 03:58 PM
Hold the line, please
06 Nov 03:58 PM
Where's the nearest cash machine?
06 Nov 03:58 PM
One moment, please
06 Nov 04:05 PM
I read a lot
06 Nov 04:05 PM
06 Nov 04:05 PM
When do you want me to start?
06 Nov 04:05 PM
I do some voluntary work
06 Nov 04:13 PM
Good crew it's cool :)
06 Nov 04:13 PM
We used to work together
06 Nov 04:13 PM
How much were you paid in your last job?
06 Nov 04:21 PM
What university do you go to?
06 Nov 04:21 PM
Have you read any good books lately?
06 Nov 04:21 PM
Looking for a job
06 Nov 04:28 PM
The line's engaged
06 Nov 04:28 PM
Would you like a receipt?
06 Nov 04:28 PM
Another service?
06 Nov 04:36 PM
Where do you come from?
06 Nov 04:36 PM
I work for a publishers
06 Nov 04:36 PM
06 Nov 04:36 PM
Insert your card
06 Nov 04:44 PM
Through friends
06 Nov 04:44 PM
When can you start?
06 Nov 04:44 PM
Have you got a telephone directory?
06 Nov 04:52 PM
I'm in my first year at university
06 Nov 04:52 PM
I've lost my bank card
06 Nov 04:52 PM
I'm from England
06 Nov 04:59 PM
I work for a publishers
06 Nov 04:59 PM
06 Nov 05:00 PM
I'd like to open a personal account
06 Nov 05:00 PM
06 Nov 05:00 PM
What sort of work do you do?
06 Nov 05:07 PM
I don't know what I want to do after university
06 Nov 05:07 PM
Best Site good looking
06 Nov 05:07 PM
This is the job description
15 Dec 02:10 AM
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06 Nov 12:57 PM
Where's the postbox?
06 Nov 12:57 PM
One moment, please
06 Nov 12:57 PM
I'm not sure
06 Nov 01:05 PM
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
06 Nov 01:05 PM
06 Nov 01:05 PM
magic story very thanks
06 Nov 01:12 PM
I quite like cooking
06 Nov 01:12 PM
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