Terraveneta Photo Gallery
Terraveneta Photo Gallery » Breakfast with Santa 2011 » Breakfast with Santa 2001
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Sorry, you must have the wrong number
06 Nov 08:46 AM
I'm doing a phd in chemistry
06 Nov 08:46 AM
No, I'm not particularly sporty
06 Nov 08:46 AM
What's your number?
06 Nov 08:46 AM
Sorry, I ran out of credit
06 Nov 08:52 AM
How do you know each other?
06 Nov 08:52 AM
How many weeks' holiday a year are there?
06 Nov 08:52 AM
We need someone with experience
06 Nov 08:52 AM
Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account?
06 Nov 08:52 AM
I like watching TV
06 Nov 08:58 AM
I like watching TV
06 Nov 08:58 AM
Who's calling?
06 Nov 08:58 AM
Do you know the address?
06 Nov 08:58 AM
What qualifications have you got?
06 Nov 08:58 AM
Did you go to university?
06 Nov 09:04 AM
Insufficient funds
06 Nov 09:04 AM
What do you like doing in your spare time?
06 Nov 09:04 AM
I read a lot
06 Nov 09:04 AM
06 Nov 09:04 AM
I'd like to order some foreign currency
06 Nov 09:04 AM
Sorry, I ran out of credit
06 Nov 09:10 AM
Do you like it here?
06 Nov 09:10 AM
I like watching football
06 Nov 09:10 AM
Very funny pictures
06 Nov 09:10 AM
Yes, I play the guitar
06 Nov 09:10 AM
Good crew it's cool :)
06 Nov 09:15 AM
What part of do you come from?
06 Nov 09:15 AM
Your account's overdrawn
06 Nov 09:15 AM
International directory enquiries
06 Nov 09:15 AM
Remove card
06 Nov 09:15 AM
I'll put him on
06 Nov 09:21 AM
06 Nov 09:21 AM
Is this a temporary or permanent position?
06 Nov 09:21 AM
What do you want to do when you've finished?
06 Nov 09:21 AM
Do you have any exams coming up?
06 Nov 09:21 AM
I'd like to send this parcel to
06 Nov 09:27 AM
Can you hear me OK?
06 Nov 09:27 AM
How much does the job pay?
06 Nov 09:27 AM
Yes, I play the guitar
06 Nov 09:27 AM
I'll put him on
06 Nov 09:27 AM
I'm happy very good site
06 Nov 09:32 AM
Will I have to work on Saturdays?
06 Nov 09:32 AM
Where are you calling from?
06 Nov 09:33 AM
The United States
06 Nov 09:33 AM
Where are you from?
06 Nov 09:33 AM
How would you like the money?
06 Nov 09:38 AM
Can I call you back?
06 Nov 09:38 AM
How do I get an outside line?
06 Nov 09:38 AM
What do you do for a living?
06 Nov 09:38 AM
06 Nov 09:38 AM
I'll text you later
06 Nov 09:38 AM
Could you give me some smaller notes?
06 Nov 09:44 AM
Will I get paid for overtime?
06 Nov 09:44 AM
Sorry, I ran out of credit
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06 Nov 09:44 AM
Will I get paid for overtime?
06 Nov 09:44 AM
I'd like to open a personal account
06 Nov 09:44 AM
I love the theatre
06 Nov 09:50 AM
I don't know what I want to do after university
06 Nov 09:50 AM
Could you tell me the number for ?
06 Nov 09:50 AM
I've just started at
06 Nov 09:50 AM
A packet of envelopes
06 Nov 09:50 AM
06 Nov 09:50 AM
One moment, please
06 Nov 09:56 AM
What company are you calling from?
06 Nov 09:56 AM
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear?
06 Nov 09:56 AM
I do some voluntary work
06 Nov 09:56 AM
06 Nov 09:56 AM
What sort of music do you listen to?
06 Nov 09:56 AM
I stay at home and look after the children
06 Nov 10:02 AM
What do you like doing in your spare time?
06 Nov 10:02 AM
A book of First Class stamps
06 Nov 10:02 AM
Which university are you at?
06 Nov 10:02 AM
We'd like to invite you for an interview
06 Nov 10:02 AM
Your cash is being counted
06 Nov 10:08 AM
I work for a publishers
06 Nov 10:08 AM
06 Nov 10:08 AM
Which year are you in?
06 Nov 10:08 AM
I'll put him on
06 Nov 10:08 AM
Would you like to leave a message?
06 Nov 10:08 AM
Insufficient funds
06 Nov 10:14 AM
I'm from England
06 Nov 10:14 AM
Do you know what extension he's on?
06 Nov 10:14 AM
We've got a joint account
06 Nov 10:14 AM
06 Nov 10:14 AM
I love the theatre
06 Nov 10:14 AM
I'd like to cancel a cheque
06 Nov 10:20 AM
Could I have an application form?
06 Nov 10:20 AM
Will I get paid for overtime?
06 Nov 10:20 AM
Punk not dead
06 Nov 10:20 AM
I'd like to cancel a cheque
06 Nov 10:20 AM
I'm on work experience
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